Who are Hamilton Ross

We are a dedicated firm which specialises in giving personalised support and pragmatic feedback to directly authorised firms.

Our purpose is to provide you access to experienced and qualified consulting talent whilst giving you value for money as you are not contributing to recruitment, in-house management, training of employees, and associated office-related expenses.

Please get in touch and let us know about you and your business and how we can support you going forward.

About Us

Advice checker, by Hamilton Ross Consultancy, was launched in 2021 to provide support to directly authorised firms, focusing on business quality file reviews, training, and development.

We provide you with bespoke consultancy tailored to your business and pride ourselves on being able to deliver detailed written and pragmatic verbal feedback.

We have extensive client-facing advisory experience. Whilst we understand the challenges, we are passionate about the opportunities that effective compliance and training can do to support business growth whilst protecting your clients and your business.

Our Aim

To Build A Long-Lasting Relationship With You And Your Business.

Contact Us for More Information

Meet the Team

Our Values

Building A Long-Lasting Relationship With You And Your Business.

Championing Professionalism

Constructive Pragmatic Feedback’


Hamilton Ross Consultancy I’ve endured over 30 years’ of network compliance departments and third party companies giving only high level, often generic, feedback on pension, investments & mortgage advice. Many failed to provide genuine B2B service to justify their fees or to connect with the adviser firms. I’ve found that Hamilton Ross, along very few exceptions in the industry, to provide practical, real world, solutions as well as detailed compliance feedback. Their ‘hands on approach’, with real-time meetings to discuss cases, saved firms valuable time and money in a very professional and friendly manner.

Geoff van Wyk- Owner, van Wyk Consultancy Limited

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